Emergency Repairs

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The Emergency Phone Number
Power Failure (352) 334-2871 (24 hours)
A dispatcher or our Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system will assist you.
Before a Storm (352) 334-3434
Call this number from 8 AM until 5 PM Monday through Friday to register your telephone and account number with our IVR system. If your power goes out during a storm, and you are already registered, the IVR system will need only your telephone number.
During a Storm (352) 334-2871
Call to report a power outage or electrical problem.
After a Storm (352) 334-2871
Call us if other services in your neighborhood have been restored, but you are still without power. (Important: Check your circuit breakers before calling.) Call to report downed power lines, even if they are not affecting your service.
Water & Wastewater Problems (352) 334-2711 (24 hours)
Natural Gas
Emergency Services & Repair
(352) 334-2550 (24 hours)