Frequently asked questions about infrared scanning
Q: Who qualifies?
A: Any GRU business customer.
Q: Why should I consider infrared scanning and inspection?
A: Infrared scanning and inspection can help you save money. By using this
service, you can reduce the risk of equipment failure, emergency repair, energy
losses and fire hazards. Plus, the infrared scanning and inspection service identifies
components of your electrical and mechanical systems that could receive energy
efficient improvements. This could mean savings for you.
Q: What kind of problems can be identified with this service?
A: Electrical system: load imbalances, corrosion, insulation deterioration,
faulty components, poor connections
Mechanical systems: motor overheating, drive failure, misaligned couplings, bearing
failure, inadequate lubrication
Q: Will operations be disrupted?
A: No. Our infrared scanning and inspection service is non-invasive, so
normal production and operation of your equipment will not be affected.
Q: What is the cost?
A: The cost of infrared scanning and inspection is based on an hourly fee with a
four-hour minimum. We'll pay the cost of scanning the incoming service up to and including the
main switch, not to exceed one hour. Your price will vary based on the amount of time and the
complexity of your desired service, so talk with your GRU Business Services Representative
about your needs. We think you'll agree — our infrared scanning and inspection service
is very cost effective compared with the cost of even one minor equipment failure.
Q: How often should I have this inspection?
A: Usually once a year. However, you will want to consider the critical nature
and loading of your electrical and mechanical systems, as well as the physical environment of
their location, when scheduling this service. Check with your insurance company for
information about how often this type of inspection is recommended or required for your