Save Energy

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Information and Tools to Lower Your Bill

While GRU is monitoring weather conditions and expects our distribution system to be ready to handle the extra demand, customers should always conserve by following these simple tips:

  • Set your thermostat to 78°F or higher when cooling.
  • Set your thermostat at 68°F or lower when heating.
  • Dress appropriately for the weather.
  • Close windows, blinds and/or curtains to retain heat/cool.
  • Check your heating/cooling system's filter.

Home Energy Advisor Tool (HEAT)

Answer some questions about your home and daily activities for a comprehensive breakdown of your energy use. This tool will also help you identify possible savings.

Energy-Saving Tips

Tips and ideas to help you save energy in your home and lower your bill. A PDF graphic with tips can be found here

Resources for Renters

Get ideas to lower your current utility bill or tips for selecting your next rental property.

Home Surveys

Request a free home survey and our trained staff will inspect your home to identify ways you can reduce your energy and water use.

Low-income Energy Efficiency Program Plus (LEEP)

GRU's Low-income Energy Efficiency Program plus assists low-income customers with home improvements that can lower their electric bill, improve comfort and reduce energy use. 

Duct Testing

Learn more about your duct system and its condition with a detailed report and analysis from the energy experts at GRU.

Rebates and Incentives

Thinking about making some energy-efficient home improvements? You may be able to save money with our residential rebate and incentive programs.

Kill-a-Watt Meters

Learn which electronics are using the most energy in your home with meters available at local libraries.

Estimating Your Electric Bill

Use this worksheet to estimate how much your home appliances and electronics cost to operate.

Gainesville Green

Search for your home, view your home's carbon footprint, energy, natural gas, and water consumption, and compare with your neighbors.

Tools for Tenants

Tools for Tenants allows users to compare many of the apartment complexes in the Gainesville area based on average electricity and natural gas usage.

Community Weatherization Coalition

The Community Weatherization Coalition (CWC) Home Energy Tune-up Program works with homeowners and renters throughout Alachua County to perform free Home Energy Tune-ups. Since 2008, we have helped over 1,800 families save hundreds of dollars each year on their utility bills. Check out this short video to give you a first-hand look at our in-home tune-up program.

Alachua County Resource List:

GRU has worked with the following organizations to provide relief during these challenging times. These organizations are not funded by GRU. 

  • Alachua County Habitat for Humanity: Home Repair/Weatherization (352) 378-4663
  • Central Florida Community Action Agency: Weatherization/Emergency Assistance (352) 373-9805
  • Neighborhood Housing and Development Corp.Emergency Home Repair/Code Repairs (352) 380-9119
  • Rebuilding Together NCF: Home Repair/Energy Efficiency (352) 692-4973
  • Alachua Social Services: Rent/Electric (352) 264-6750
  • Catholic Charities: Utility Assistance (352) 372-0294
  • Elder Care (60+): Crisis Electric (352) 265-9040
  • Gainesville Community Ministries: Crisis Electric (352) 372-8162

Home Weatherization Programs

Need assistance with home improvements that can lower your electric bill, improve comfort and reduce energy use? You may qualify for assistance though one of these local weatherization programs