Before the Storm

Storm Central ยป Before the Storm

Preparing for an Approaching Hurricane

Knowing what to do and preparing for potential storms on a continual, year-round basis can ensure that you and your family are well-prepared long before a hurricane approaches.

Numbers to Know

  • Power Outages/Downed Power Lines

  • Natural Gas Emergencies

  • Water/Wastewater Emergencies

  • Customer Service

  • Internet Help Desk

    GATOR NETSM 352-334-3000
  • Call Before You Dig


Safety Checklist (pdf)

What to include in your hurricane supply kit and how to secure your home

Securing Your Utilities

Preparations for electric, water and natural-gas service interruptions

Tree and Vegetation Maintenance

Tips for preventing injuries and property damage from trees and other vegetation

Portable Generator Safety

Precautions for safely operating a portable generator

Medically Essential Electric Service

Guidance for customers who are medically dependent on electric-powered equipment